First published: 21. February 2024 (cf)
Last updated: 22. February 2024 (cf)
In specific circumstances the Fabasoft Folio Webservices or Conversion Services installation fails under Microsoft Windows. Analyzing the fscsetup-msi-install_*.log file, the error Function AddVDir failed shows up.
This may be caused by missing or corrupted IIS machine keys.
Microsoft IIS protects its configuration with so-called machine keys. Missing or corrupted machine keys prevents software like PowerShell, or the Fabasoft Setup, to automatically add configurations, as the Virtual Directory (VDir).
Machine keys may get corrupted for example by:
Errors regarding this issue:
Reseting the machine keys will solve this issue.
Open the directory C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys\
Rename or delete these files:
Open the directory C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\Config
Edit the applicationHost.config file with an editor.
Search for the XML tag <configProtectedData> / <providers>
Remove the content between the <providers> and </providers> tag.
Open a command prompt – make sure you’re in Administrator mode.
Run the following command:
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\iissetup.exe /install SharedLibraries
If the error appears like in the screenshot, you can ignore this.
Double-check your applicationHost.config file that the <providers> tag got refilled with entries.
Restart IIS by executing iisreset. The Fabasoft Folio Webservice and Conversion Service now should be installable.
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