Logging possibilitiesPermanent link for this heading

Last update: 20 February 2018

InformationPermanent link for this heading

In this section the logging possibilities and the way to activate them are listed.

Conversion LoggingPermanent link for this heading

If you encounter problems while converting documents then you can enable the conversion logging mode to log the SOAP-requests of the conversion to the file system.

Conversion Logging saves the input and output files of a conversion to a directory to analyse the transfered data. In the directory you find the input.* file and the converted output.* file. If no output-File exists, conversion has failed.

The logging can be activated both on the Fabasoft web server and on the Fabasoft conversion server, depending on which part shall be analyzed. The activation and deactivation of this logging can be done live.

Note: Please be aware of possible performance issues during conversion when logging.

Registry KeysPermanent link for this heading

To activate the logging you have to create the key


and add the following values:

  • LogDetailFolder (REG_SZ) with "Value Data: e. g. <"c:\Test">
    This specifies an existing folder on the file system where the logging information should be placed.
  • LogDetailCount (REG_DWORD) "Value Data: e. g. <"5"> within this key. (5 procedures )
    This specifies the number of logging entries to be made. This value is decremented each time a conversion operation is logged. If the counter reaches zero, the logging mode will be disabled
Microsoft WindowsPermanent link for this heading

On a Microsoft Windows Server you may use the following registry key:

Note: This parts are exports of Windows Registry. In case you edit the Registry with regedit.exe, use single backslash for path assignments.

   Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




Linux (starting with Fabasoft Folio 2016)Permanent link for this heading

On Linux with Fabasoft Folio 2016 or higher, use the following commands to enable the logging

   su - fscsrv

fscsrv> mkdir /etc/fabasoft/settings/machine/SOFTWARE/Fabasoft/FSCCONV@1.1001

fscsrv> mkdir /tmp/conv-logs

fscsrv> echo -n "/tmp/conv-logs" > /etc/fabasoft/settings/machine/SOFTWARE/Fabasoft/FSCCONV\@1.1001/LogDetailFolder

fscsrv> echo -n "10" > /etc/fabasoft/settings/machine/SOFTWARE/Fabasoft/FSCCONV\@1.1001/LogDetailCount

Linux (prior Fabasoft Folio 2016)Permanent link for this heading

On Linux with Fabasoft Folio prior Version 2016, use the following commands to enable the logging

   su - fscsrv

fscsrv> mkdir /etc/fabasoft/settings/machine/Software/Fabasoft/FSCCONV@1.1001

fscsrv> mkdir /tmp/conv-logs

fscsrv> echo -n "/tmp/conv-logs" > /etc/fabasoft/settings/machine/Software/Fabasoft/FSCCONV\@1.1001/LogDetailFolder

fscsrv> echo -n "10" > /etc/fabasoft/settings/machine/Software/Fabasoft/FSCCONV\@1.1001/LogDetailCount

Created Files Permanent link for this heading




Source file of the conversion


File created in the conversion (if not existent the conversion failed)


Status log of the conversion progress

SOAP LoggingPermanent link for this heading

If you encounter problems with a business application integration via SOAP you can enable the OWS logging.

In the LogDetailFolder, one folder, containing the received and sent XML files as well as the accompanying HTTP header, will be created for each SOAP call received by the web server.

Note: Please be aware of possible performance issues during SOAP calls when logging.

Registry KeysPermanent link for this heading

To activate the logging you have to create the key


and add the following values:

  • LogDetailFolder (REG_SZ) with "Value Data: e. g. <"c:\Test">
    This specifies an existing folder on the file system where the logging information should be placed.
  • LogDetailCount (REG_DWORD) "Value Data: e. g. <"5"> within this key. (5 procedures )
    This specifies the number of logging entries to be made. This value is decremented each time a SOAP request is logged. If the counter reaches zero, the logging mode will be disabled
Microsoft WindowsPermanent link for this heading

On a Microsoft Windows Server you may use the following registry key:

Note: This parts are exports of Windows Registry. In case you edit the Registry with regedit.exe, use single backslash for path assignments.

   Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




Linux (starting with Fabasoft Folio 2016)

On Linux use the following commands to enable the logging

   su - fscsrv

fscsrv> mkdir /etc/fabasoft/settings/machine/SOFTWARE/Fabasoft/FSCOWS@1.1001

fscsrv> mkdir /tmp/conv-logs

fscsrv> echo -n "/tmp/conv-logs" > /etc/fabasoft/settings/machine/SOFTWARE/Fabasoft/FSCOWS\@1.1001/LogDetailFolder

fscsrv> echo -n "10" > /etc/fabasoft/settings/machine/SOFTWARE/Fabasoft/FSCOWS\@1.1001/LogDetailCount

Linux (prior Fabasoft Folio 2016)Permanent link for this heading

On Linux use the following commands to enable the logging

   su - fscsrv

fscsrv> mkdir /etc/fabasoft/settings/machine/Software/Fabasoft/FSCOWS@1.1001

fscsrv> mkdir /tmp/conv-logs

fscsrv> echo -n "/tmp/conv-logs" > /etc/fabasoft/settings/machine/Software/Fabasoft/FSCOWS\@1.1001/LogDetailFolder

fscsrv> echo -n "10" > /etc/fabasoft/settings/machine/Software/Fabasoft/FSCOWS\@1.1001/LogDetailCount

Mailmerge LoggingPermanent link for this heading

If you encounter problems while creating serial letters with mail merge you can enable mail merge logging on the client for the current user.

Registry KeysPermanent link for this heading

To activate the logging you have to create the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Fabasoft\COOCIS and add the followin value:

  • LogMailMerge (REG_SZ) with "Value Data: e. g. <"c:\temp\mailmerge">
    This specifies an existing folder on the file system where the logging information should be placed.
Microsoft WindowsPermanent link for this heading

On a Microsoft Windows Server you may use the following registry key:

Note: This parts are exports of Windows Registry. In case you edit the Registry with regedit.exe, use single backslash for path assignments.

   Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Created Files Permanent link for this heading




datasource of series letter (list of addressees)


one series letter per addressee


one SOAP-request per addressee


one SOAP-response per addressee


template for series letters

Fabasoft Folio Plug-inPermanent link for this heading

The Fabasoft Folio Plug-in writes trace statements by default. Therefore, you only have to activate the Fabasoft tracer on the client machine .

Fabasoft Folio / Fabasoft eGov-Suite software componentsPermanent link for this heading

For each software component of Fabasoft Folio / Fabasoft eGov-Suite you can activate a logging. Just set the desired level of logging in the property "Trace" of an object of the class "Software Component" and start the Fabasoft tracer.

Note: Please be aware of possible performance issues during logging.

OtherPermanent link for this heading

There are various other logging possibilities and information outside the Fabasoft products like logs of the operating system (Microsoft Windows eventlog, /var/log/messages), database logs, the Process Monitor (file-, registry- and process/thread-activities) or Wireshark (network protocol analyzer).

Fabasoft app.telemetry is a perfect tool for analyzing. Give it a try.

See also:Permanent link for this heading

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