Preparing a language string file for translationPermanent link for this heading

Last update: 4 August 2017

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This article describes how to load language strings from a text file (exported from a Fabasoft eGov-Suite 2012 installation) into a Fabasoft eGov-Suite 2013 installation and export it again with updated references. The new file can then be sent to a translation agency for translating the missing strings.

InformationPermanent link for this heading

The following instructions make use of the Bulgarian language. It is assumed that the language string file from the Fabasoft eGov-Suite 2012 (which contains the Bulgarian translations) already exists. It is also assumed that an Fabasoft eGov-Suite 2013 installation, running on Windows Server 2008, is available.

SolutionPermanent link for this heading

  • Start the Fabasoft Folio Server Management of the Fabasoft eGov-Suite 2013 installation:
  • Select the menu option „Load“ from the context menu of the domain:
  • Select the component „ComponentsLDK“ from the Fabasoft eGov-Suite 2013 installation disc:
  • Select the entry „Fabasoft Folio/LDK and click on the button „Edit“.
  • Select the checkbox for the language which you would like to install. For this example choose Bulgarian (?????????) and click on the button „OK“:
  • Click on „OK“ again to start installing the new language.
  • After the services have restarted open a command prompt on the server.
  • Load the Bulgarian translations from the file into the Fabasoft eGov-Suite 2013 installation by executing the following commands:

set HOST=localhost

set PORT=18070

loader -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langload translation_strings_2012.txt


  • Restart the Fabasoft Folio Backendservices and Fabasoft Folio Webservices after loading the file has completed.
  • Log in with the System Administrator account and check if the translations were successfully loaded:
  • Set the option „Multilingual Input“ in the user environment to „true“:
  • Open the properties of a component object (for example object class „Folder“) and check if a translation for the loaded language exists:
  • Open a command prompt again and execute the following commands to export the translations into new files again, which will then contain new additional entries from the Fabasoft eGov-Suite 2013 installation:

       set HOST=localhost

set PORT=18070

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentELAK.txt -langcomp ComponentELAK@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile EditionGovAUT.txt -langcomp EditionGovAUT@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile EditionGovCCA.txt -langcomp EditionGovCCA@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile EditionFolioCompliance.txt -langcomp EditionFolioCompliance@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentAT.txt -langcomp ComponentAT@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentBase.txt -langcomp ComponentBase@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentCM.txt -langcomp ComponentCM@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentCOLD.txt -langcomp ComponentCOLD@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentData.txt -langcomp ComponentData@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponenteServices.txt -langcomp ComponenteServices@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentFolio.txt -langcomp ComponentFolio@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentLDK.txt -langcomp ComponentLDK@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentWeb.txt -langcomp ComponentWeb@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentWD.txt -langcomp ComponentWD@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentWf.txt -langcomp ComponentWf@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentArchive.txt -langcomp ComponentArchive@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentArchiveExchange.txt -langcomp ComponentArchiveExchange@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentArchiveLink.txt -langcomp ComponentArchiveLink@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentArchiveNotes.txt -langcomp ComponentArchiveNotes@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentArchiveSharePoint.txt -langcomp ComponentArchiveSharePoint@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentMindbreeze.txt -langcomp ComponentMindbreeze@1.1

loader -langlang LANG_ENGLISH -langlang LANG_GERMAN -langlang LANG_BULGARIAN -langfile ComponentZS.txt -langcomp ComponentZS@1.1


  • Merge the exported files into one single text file and save it. Note that the column headers should only exist in the first line of the file.
  • Start Microsoft Excel.
  • Choose „File -> Open“.
  • Select file type „Text files“:
  • Choose the merged text file and click on „Open“.
  • Click on „Finish“ to close the import options dialog of Excel.
  • Save the spreadsheet as a dedicated Excel document. This file can now be send to a translation agency for translating the missing strings:

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