Last update: 20 February 2018
The tool fscadmin is installed with the Fabasoft Server Management.
By calling fscadmin.exe respectively fscadmin the command-line help is displayed.
For further information see our How to use fscadmin article.
Every COO Service and MMC Service has a unique service id. This id is displayed in the Fabasoft Domain Administration folder under the "Services" tab.
With fscadmin it's also possible to list the service ids. You can use this command:
fscadmin --action list
The service ids of the COO Services are required for the further steps.
Use the following command to save the COO Service cache of one COO Service to disk:
fscadmin --action savecache --service <serviceid> --file <servicecache.txt>
For example
fscadmin --action savecache --service 1 --file C:\temp\cache_coosvc1.txt
This command creates (or overwrites) a text file cache_coosvc1.txt for COO Service id 1. In the text file, every object in the COO Service cache is listed as a human readable COO address.
The call of this action has no impact to the system performance.
Note: No other metadata than the object addresses are stored in this text file.
Best practice
Use the following command to load the COO-Service cache of one COO-Service from disk:
fscadmin -action loadcache -service <serviceid> -file <servicecache.txt>
Hint: Compared to the savecache action, only the action parameter changes to loadcache. All other parameters keep the same.
For example:
fscadmin -action loadcache -service 1 -file C:\temp\cache_coosvc1.txt
This command reads the text file cache_coosvc1.txt and reads all metadata of the listed object addresses from the database to the COO-Service 1 cache.
Note: The call of the loadcache action CAN HAVE impact to the system performance, as all data must be read from the database. Use the loadcache action in non-core time.
Best practice
The script will load all data from the database to the COO-Service caches. This can take - depending to the cache size and objects in the cache file - an hour or more.
You can use one or more Fabasoft queries to load data to the COO-Service cache. This can be done additionally or instead of using the savecache/loadcache functionality.
Note: If you use loadcache and loadbyquery together, please keep in mind, that the COO-Services caches are organised as first-in-first-out cache. Previously loaded objects may be dropped from cache if you load additional objects.
To load objects by a query, use this syntax:
fscadmin -action loadbyquery -service <serviceid> -query '<Fabasoft Query'>
For example:
fscadmin -action loadbyquery -service 1
-query 'SELECT objname FROM FSCFOLIO@1.1001:CollaborationFolder
WHERE .COOSYSTEM@1.1:objmodifiedat >= 2011-08-01 00:00:00'
This action loads all Team objects changed after 1st Aug. 2011 to the COO-Service cache.
Hint: You can create your query in the Fabasoft Webbrowser client. Use the "Edit query" button in the search form. To see the "Edit query" button, enable the "Show query" checkbox in your environment.
The size of the Fabasoft COO-Service caches can be configured in the COO-Service objects, property "Maximum Cache Size (MB)" in the Fabasoft Domain Administration. The default value is 1024.
Objects are held in cache in a first-in-first-out manner, whereby the last accessed time is considered.
If the used cache size reaches the limit of 80%, a periodic clearing process attempts to keep the cache below 100% of the configured cache size.