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Available hotfixes for Fabasoft Folio 2025
Available hotfixes for the Fabasoft eGov-Suite 2025
Available hotfixes for Fabasoft Folio 2024
Available hotfixes for the Fabasoft eGov-Suite 2024
Available hotfixes for Fabasoft Folio 2023
Available hotfixes for the Fabasoft eGov-Suite 2023
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Knowledge Base
Further Topics
Creating a dump in Linux
Creating a dump in Microsoft Windows
Error COOSTD-00118: The database option READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT is disabled.
Renew trusted peer certificates (Folio/Mindbreeze)
Using Privileged Servlets in Mindbreeze Enterprise
Enabling TLS security between Microsoft SQL Server and Folio Backend services
How to change the number of web service threads
Automated Tasks: Assignment from Service to Task List
Adobe Reader / Adobe Acrobat Save As dialog on opened documents
Restore transaction in different kernel message
Content Switch Cookie configuration
Roll out Fabasoft environment variables by UPD files
MMC Area backup possibilities
Purge outdated incremental backups
MMC Service area consistency check
Cleanup of MMC Service areas
Administration Help in Fabasoft eGov-Suite
Webservice installation fails - Function AddVDir failed
Used ports in a Fabasoft environment
Creating and maintaining an up to date setup kit
Executing Expressions from command line with fsceval
Manual Mindbreeze Configuration in Fabasoft Folio
COO Service memory usage not equivalent to Cache Size Setting
Restricted path access in Fabasoft app.ducx Expression Language
How Workflow Notifications are processed
Workflow Notification Checklist
How to configure Work Steps available in the Fabasoft Mobile App
Setting the MAX_IN_CLAUSE, MAX_OR_CLAUSE and MAX_JOINS parameters
Explanation of Digital Code Signatures in Microsoft Windows
Performance optimizations for Microsoft SQL Server
Error message “Could not execute query” when using full text queries in Folio metadata search
OpenSSL Error “could not parse PKCS12 file, check password”
Internet Explorer 11 retirement information
Large database transaction log backups with Fabasoft COLD Loader
Trusted for delegation and Service Principal Names
Unexpected error messages regarding an update of the Fabasoft Folio Browser Extension (Chromium Issue 1338586)
Touch files in Windows (update Timestamp)
No automatic object locks
Availability of a Universal Web Browser Extension for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge
Creating a component trace
Creating a trace
Decrease the degree of parallelism for performance optimization in Mindbreeze Enterprise
Fabasoft Folio Client and Microsoft Edge WebView2
Fast Web View pdf-opt
Important Information Regarding the Deprecation of Manifest V2 Extensions in Chromium Based Browsers
Recovery Mode for a Fabasoft Domain
Conversion: Disable Visual Basic macro errors despite of disabled macros
Creating SSL certificates for Mindbreeze Client in Windows
MMC cleanup may delete referenced content due to unknown/foreign files in MMC Service areas
Options in case of inefficient queries
Set SPN to use Kerberos authentication
How to close and create an MMC service area
Constraint Check Error #012: Unique index is missing
Blocking situations in a Microsoft SQL Server database
Message FSCVAPP-00106: CheckStackDepth: too many steps on stack; maximum process steps on stack
MMC cleanup may delete referenced content on database failure
RHEL/CentOS 6.4 and Fabasoft Folio 2013/2014 Update Rollup 3 Update Procedures
Client: Changing the temporary directory
Information on Oracle Java 8 concerning Fabaoft Folio and Fabasoft Mindbreeze
ORA error codes recognized by Fabasoft Folio COO-Services
Oracle: Distributed transaction timeouts
Oracle Java Licensing Information
PDF objects remain locked after being closed
The true story about Object IDs
Configure basic authentication for the Mindbreeze configuration site on Linux (via Apache mod_ssl module)
Backlinks missing from user/group/position activities
"Call was rejected by callee" on conversion server
Conversion to PDF-A fails
Creating a client trace
Creating a debug trace
Creating a kernel trace
Fabasoft Folio Client with Mozilla Firefox version 52 and above
Fabasoft iArchive Hotfix - Inconsistencies when objects are restored
Fabasoft Tracer
Firefox has not produced the result file within the maximum allowed time span
GPL Ghostscript 9.06 and PDF/A conformance with modern color profiles
Hotfix for Microsoft DTC Usage
How to change the location of Fabasoft Folio Kernel Caches
How to create new Certificates for Liferay Portal Integration
How to remove a Fabasoft Client / Plugin installation on Windows
Information regarding Mindbreeze search suggestions
Internal Counter Limits
Internet Information Services Authentication Configuration for Fabasoft Folio 2014 and newer
Invalid license specified. License Version is X.Y
Java Out Of Memory Exceptions
Linux: LDAP Authentication and PAM
Loading a Folio license file
Logging possibilities
Microsoft Internet Information Services Kernel Mode Authentication settings for Fabasoft Folio services
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4 (SP4)
Performance Counters not available
Save and load COO Service caches
Saving Fabasoft app.telemetry Requests
Saving Windows Event Logs
Scripts for Indexing with Folio Mindbreeze Integration
SMTP Configuration Object - Authentication Failed
SOAP - Out of memory error because of XML text node limit
SQL Stress Tool
Troubleshooting Mindbreeze: No search results from Fabasoft Components
Unexpected data exports in Relational Reporting and XML Export with multiple roles
Usage of ADERPC-SPNs in modern versions of Microsoft Windows Server
Collect System Information
Client-authentication with certificate via WebDAV
Automatic version because of a newer content on the server
LAST UPDATED IN 2017 (and before)
Certificate Error Using Fulltext Search in Fabasoft Folio with Mindbreeze Enterprise Search
Bad Request - Size of a request header field exceeds server limit
Configuring the MS-DTC for a Fabasoft Folio environment
Contents may possibly not be saved when using Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0
Conversion failure with Microsoft Excel 2003
Conversion of Microsoft Excel fails on Windows Server 2008
Conversion Service FAQ
COO Service performance with user objects and app.telemetry
ADE Gui Update incomplete
Cross-Site Scripting warning with Internet Explorer 8 and Fabasoft eGov-Suite 8.0 SP1
Different log pools for web and conversion services
Different page layout and number of pages after conversion to pdf
Different results depending on how properties are read in expressions
DLL Registration of Fabasoft Integration for Kofax Capture fails
DNS Query - NetBios Fallback
DocProperties are truncated after 255 characters
DTM can not establish a connection to Oracle XA-Service
Empty letter after finalizing a form letter
Enable Conversion with Microsoft Word Fill-In Fields
Error "INT value = 0: Incompatible type 8"
Error when calling fsccab81.CABExtractFromCAB
Experiences with Microsoft Office 2010 and Fabasoft eGov-Suite 8.0 SP1
Fabasoft Folio 2009 Update and Upgrade Guide
Fabasoft Folio Plug-In / Client installation possibilities
Fabasoft Folio update from version 8.0 to 9.0 may fail with object definition missing
Fabasoft object address reservation during COLD data imports
FAQ related to Fabasoft Folio Plug-In / Client usage
Firefox crashes caused by enabled content compression
First connection to ssl enabled website takes 10 seconds
First request takes longer than usual
FSC Printer Port generates PS instead of PDF
Hotfix for backlink objects
How to change the Mindbreeze service user
How to change the number of backend service threads
How to enable SQL trace
How to find core dumps in Linux
How to uninstall and remove Fabasoft Folio installation
How to use fscadmin
HTTP 404 is displayed on first call of Fabasoft Folio URL
HTTP 404 error when connecting to Fabasoft Web service on Microsoft Windows 2008 R2
Hyphenation does not work correctly
IIS - The module fscvext.dll failed to load. The data is in the error
Internet Explorer 11: Modal Dialog not working (Fabasoft Installer)
Kerberos Authentication will not work on specific clients
Keyboard Operation, Keyboard shortcuts
Known Issues with Postscript Printer Drivers for FSC Printer Ports
Kofax Capture A disk error occured during a read operation
Log file paths under RHEL and CentOS Linux
Log file paths under Windows environment
Maximum number of supported logical connections exceeded
Memory values in Fabasoft Components Kernel event log entries
Mindbreeze Integration Certificate errors by Microsoft KB-Update 2016
Mindbreeze logfiles
Mindbreeze Web Client not working on Windows 10 with Kerberos
Name of an object is not shown in the title bar of the browser
Opening Excel Object takes very long
Opening zip files with Windows Explorer
Optimize MMC cleanup performance
Oracle: lock held by in-doubt distributed transaction
Performance Issues with Oracle 12c
Preparing a language string file for translation
Run "Synchronize Database Tables" after an update
Setup - Could not obtain information about Windows NT group user
Slow response working with WebDAV resources on Windows Vista or Windows 7
SMTP-Configuration options
Testing a distributed transaction
Unknown is not a valid Win32 application
Usage of cURL library in Fabasoft Folio Client
Users of one tenant can not log in
What you should know about form letters
Word 2016 DocProperty problems after Microsoft Office security update (September 2017)
app.telemetry - How to map Fabasoft Folio object addresses to names or references
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