Last update: 4 August 2017
This article describes the context-sensitive shortcut help and the location of the Fabasoft Folio User Help documentation on the Fabasoft Folio or Fabasoft eGov-Suite Setup Kit.
Please be aware of changes that may have been made during different Fabasoft Folio / Fabasoft eGov-Suite versions. Especially in older versions of Fabasoft Folio different shortcuts may not be available. Please use to the User [#Documentation] for a full list of shortcuts.
A context-sensitive shortcut help can be opened anywhere in the Webbrowser Client by pressing Ctrl-Shift-? (question mark)
On a installed system the Fabasoft Folio User Help can be opened or downloaded by pressing the ? button on the top left in the user interface. These documents (language specific) are located also in the install kit.
In these documents you will find a chapter Keyboard Operation (English) or Tastaturbedienung (German).
In a Fabasoft Folio Kit the PDF's are located:
In a Fabasoft eGov-Suite Kit the PDF's are located: