How to uninstall and remove Fabasoft Folio installation
Last update: 4 August 2017
Under Windows, Fabasoft Folio can be uninstalled by the "Programs and Features" (Microsoft Windows Server 2008) or "Add/Remove Programs" (Microsoft Windows Server 2003) wizards of the operating system.
Under some circumstances in can be necessary to do a manual cleanup of a system. This guide shows the recommended way.
A clean uninstall may be required in some rare situations, for example if the corresponding Folio domain does not exist anymore, after a setup failure or if you just want to make sure the system is clean.
For normal uninstall this procedure is not required.
- Do a backup to be able to restore the system in case of a problem
- Run the operating system uninstall wizard "Programs and Features" (Microsoft Windows Server 2008) or "Add/Remove Programs" (Microsoft Windows Server 2003) to uninstall all Fabasoft Folio components.
- Stop Internet Information Services (
- Open the Windows Task Manager and kill all processes relevant to Fabasoft Folio (e.g. by iisreset /stop )
- Delete the following registry keys (Fabasoft software keys):
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Fabasoft
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Fabasoft
- HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Fabasoft
- HKEY_USERS\\Software\Fabasoft (these hives represent the CURRENT_USER hive of all users on the system, including service users)
- Delete the Windows service keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services
- COOATS_1 Fabasoft Folio AT-Service (if multiple AT-Services are used, also COOATS_<2,3,...>
- coommd Fabasoft Folio Management Service
- COOPerformance Registered performance classes
- COOService___ COO Services with major/minor domain id and service ID
- MMCService___ MMC Services with major/minor domain id and service ID
- Restart the system
- Delete the following folders (in a standard installation). Not every folder needs to be present.
- C:\Program Files\Fabasoft
- C:\Windows\Temp\Fabasoft
- C:\ProgramData\Fabasoft (Windows Server 2008)
- C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Fabasoft (Windows Server 2008) - do this for every user directory
- C:\Documents And Settings\Application Data\Fabasoft (Windows Server 2003)
- C:\Documents And Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Fabasoft (Windows Server 2003) - do this for every user directory
- If the permission to directories is denied, try to take ownership to the directories. If it still fails, double-check, if Fabasoft services are still running.
After this procedure, no references to Fabasoft Folio or Fabasoft Folio domains exist and a clean re-installation can be done.
Warning: For future or older Fabasoft Folio releases, this guide may change and additional steps might be necessary.
Applies to
- Fabasoft Folio (all versions)
- Fabasoft eGov-Suite (all versions)
- Fabasoft eCRM-Suite (all versions)