Last update: 4 August 2017
The following article describes summarized Fabasoft Folio Plug-In / Client installation possibilities for various supported client environments.
Please refer to the SPI Whitepaper which is included inside the "Documents" folder on your installation media to find out the supported client environments for your product version.
All Fabasoft Folio client related installation packages can be found on the installation media under "Setup\ComponentsWeb\Client\" folder.
As described in the White Paper „Fabasoft Folio Plug-In“ make sure that you are logged in as an administrator prior the installation.
Open your account area from the Web Client and click on „Install now“ underneath the „Fabasoft Folio Plug-In“ description. Double click the downloaded file to start the installation process.
An alternative way would be to install the Plug-In from the command line in case of activated „UAC“ (User Account Control). The command line needs to be started with administrator privileges.
To start a command prompt as an administrator
The installation of the „Fabasoft Folio Plug-In“ for OSX based systems can be performed by following these steps.
Open your account area from the Web Client and click on „Install now“ underneath the „Fabasoft Folio Plug-In“ description. Double click the downloaded file to start the installation process.
An alternative way would be to find the „FolioPlugin.pkg“ inside „Setup/ComponentsWeb/Client/FolioPlugin.pkg“ within the Fabasoft Folio installation media.
Please note that you have to provide administrator account credentials during the setup in order for the installation to be successful.
The installation of the „Fabasoft Folio Plug-In“ for Ubuntu based systems can be performed by following these steps.
Open your account area from the Web Client and click on „Install now“ underneath the „Fabasoft Folio Plug-In“ description. This will download „folioclient_i386.deb“ onto your computer. Double click on „folioclient_i386.deb“ which should bring up the „Ubuntu Software Center“ from where you can start the installation.
An alternative way would be to install the package trough command line. To do so please execute the following command:
sudo dpkg –i /folioclient_i386.deb
Please note that you have to provide administrator account credentials during the setup in order for the installation to be successful.
The deployment via Active Directory is described in the white paper „Deployment of ActiveX Controls via Microsoft Windows Active Directory“. Please consult the mentioned whitepaper about this installation and deployment possibility.
Based on the Client configuration there might be further steps necessary to enable a successful Folio Plug-In interaction with the Web-Service. Usually such steps are indicated by a yellow triangle on the top right of your account area.
Open your Account area to find out which additional steps are required to enable the needed functionality.
The text insertion add-in for Microsoft Office Word is installed during the Folio Plug-In installation.
To enable the COM add-in, select „File“ and click „Options“. In the dialog box, click „Add-Ins“, select „COM Add-Ins“ in the Manage drop-down list box and click „Go“. In the dialog box that is opened, select „Fabasoft Folio“ and click „OK“.
The next time you open a Word content object from Fabasoft Folio you should be able to see and use the additional Fabasoft Folio buttons from within the „Insert“ tab of Microsoft Office Word.