First published: 14 September 2017
Last updated: 31 January 2024
To execute expressions from command line, the tool fsceval is available on every Fabasoft Folio server.
The fsceval tool is provided on all Fabasoft servers in a domain environment. Please be advised that this tool will initialize a Kernel instance.
fsceval executes in the context of the logged in Windows user. fsceval will read the host and port of the COO Service 1 from the current user’s environment variables (Windows Registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Fabasoft\Environment) therefore it is not required to pass the host and port parameters.
When using fsceval on a Linux system, for all calls, you are required to specify -host <hostname> and -port <port>, where these specify host and port of the COO Service 1.
You need to login as fscsrv:
su - fscsrv
Alternatively of specifying -host and -port, you can set shell environments:
export HOST=<Backendserver (COO Service 1)>
export PORT=<PORT_COOSVC1> //z.B: 18070
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/fabasoft/share/eval/
Here are some common usage examples:
Direct expression call
fsceval -eval "COO.2127.9900.1.13.CheckContentConsistency()"
Run expression from a file
fsceval -file filewithscript.exp
Run expression from a file and output redirection to logfile
fsceval -file filewithscript.exp 2>&1 > logfile.log
Run expression from a file and trace output to screen
fsceval -file filewithscript.exp -tracetoconsole