Last update: 16 May 2022 (ck)
When Mindbreeze Enterprise 2021 or above is used in conjunction with Fabasoft Folio/eGov-Suite 2022 and later, performance issues with queries can be mitigated by setting a fixed number of query threads per index in the Mindbreeze Configuration.
The Mindbreeze setting " Query Threads per Index " ( querythreadsperindex ) limits the query threads per index, and by default is 0, that means, Mindbreeze automatically adjusts the thread on it's demand. The automatic mode will highly use multi-threading that in some situations might degrade the performance of the server.
Therefore, with the parameter " Query Threads per Index " ( querythreadsperindex ) setting to a number above 0, Mindbreeze will use the set number of threads.
The number of threads per index should be calculated for each index individually with this formula:
Number of physical Cores on the Server / Number of Buckets across all Indices on the Server * Number of Buckets in the Index
32 cores / 40 buckets_sum * 18 buckets_index = 14,4 = 15 Query Threads per Index.
The result needs to be entered under " Query Threads per Index " in the " Advanced Settings " of the index.
This also can be set by the command "mesconfig attrset" , example:
mesconfig attrset querythreadsperindex 15 Index[@queryport=23300]
(it is important to include the square brackets in the command)
This will set the option to a value of 15 for the index with query port 23300.
Further performance increases can be achieved by setting