Last update: 8 March 2018
This article describes the steps neccessary to create a debug trace of a third party applicaton, this includes the messages and activities that would normally be visible after attaching the Microsoft Windows Debugger to the application.
In order to capture the debug messages from the application Fabasoft Tracer "tracer.exe" has to be started on the client and attached to the application's process, for more information about the usage please see Fabasoft Tracer.
To create the trace the following steps have to be performed:
Start the application from inside the Fabasoft Tracer using the menu "Trace->Debug...".
Otherwise attach the Fabasoft Tracer to the already running application using the menu "Trace->Attach..." and the process id of the application that you want to trace.
Please only start the Fabasoft Tracer when you are ready to reproduce the problem. This ensures that only trace messages that are related to the problem are recorded and helps in the analysis of the trace.