Using Privileged Servlets in Mindbreeze EnterprisePermanent link for this heading

First published: 4 December 2024 (ck)

Last updated: 4 December 2024 (ck)

SummaryPermanent link for this heading

Using the “Privileged Servlets” allows to directly access all information about objects in a Mindbreeze index.
This circumvents all ACL and access checks, so it is vital to make sure that while the servlets are active, only administrative users have direct network access to the Mindbreeze server that hosts the index.

Activation of the Privileged ServletsPermanent link for this heading

To activate the Privileged Servlets for an index, the checkbox “Disable Unrestricted Privileged Servlets” in the Advanced settings of the index must be unchecked, and then the settings must be saved. To make sure that the servlets are active, it is recommended to restart the mesnode service.

After the required information is obtained, it is recommended that the servlets are deactivated immediately.

The “find” servletPermanent link for this heading

Using the find servlet, accessible at


it is possible to search the index for different keywords. Usually the COO address of objects is used here. The result is a list of objects currently stored in the index. The most important information is located in the first column: the docid, the internal identifier of the object within the index.

The “documents” servletPermanent link for this heading

Using the documents servlet, accessible at


all metadata, information and also the raw text contents of an object can be accessed. Usually the docid obtained from the find servlet is used here, in conjunction with the Output Format “Item”, as this format contains the most detailed information about the object.

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