Last update: 11 July 2019 (cf)
Due to changes in the licensing program for Oracle Java valid by January 2019, customers are required to license Oracle Java for business, commercial or production use. This will apply for all public updates for Oracle Java SE released after January 2019 .
According to the mentioned Oracle article, the Oracle Java versions listed in the Software Product Information (SPI) of all currently released Fabasoft Folio and Fabasoft eGov-Suite versions are not affected of the terms of the new licensing program.
To avoid mandatory (Oracle Java) license fees in the future, Fabasoft is migrating to a free and open-source implementation of the Java platform. From the current point of view, the following roadmap will be pursued:
This new Java support will be released starting with the following version:
This support of the open Java platform will not be released for Fabasoft Folio 2016 / Fabasoft eGov-Suite 2016 and Fabasoft Folio 2017 R1 / Fabasoft eGov-Suite 2017 R1 (also not in future Update Rollups of these product versions).
Supported versions will be listed in the Software Production Information document (SPI) of the corresponding version.
Please consider this information especially if you are using project specific implementations, or if you have dependencies to other Java implementations. A premature evaluation of your implementation concerning side effects is advised.
This article is subject of change and will be updated as matters progress.