First published: 8 April 2024 (cf)
Last updated: 24 April 2024 (cf)
The MMC Service areas contain high volume of data and therefore are critical in backup and recovery time for planning the backup and in the case of a disaster recovery.
For this reason, Fabasoft has multiple functions implemented to easify backup and recovery, and take advantage of point-in-time recovery for MMC Service areas.
This article explains the basic principles of these backup functions.
Basic knowledge about Fabasoft Folio administration, and the operation of MMC Services and MMC Service areas is recommended for implementing these functionalities.
For support on evaluating the best backup solution in your infrastructure, we recommend to contact your project responsible.
Mirroring reads and writes the MMC Service area data on at least two storage points (directories, volumes, UNC shares or mount points).
To configure mirroring for an MMC Service area:
All future changes are simultaneously written to both (or all) directories. Reading of contents is done in a round-robin fashion.
Synchronizing the MMC areas implicitely is performed during an MMC Cleanup.
To synchronize the areas without cleanup, use this command line:
fscadmin --action cleanup --service <mmcsvc-id> --synconly --host <hostname> --port <port>
To limit the runtime of the synchronization, use the --limit parameter:
fscadmin --action cleanup --service <mmcsvc-id> --synconly --limit <minutes> --host <hostname> --port <port>
Online Backup creates backups of every change in the MMC Service area to a configured backup path during runtime (on-the-fly). The backup is written by the MMC Service. The backups are organized on a daily basis.
In the event of a disaster recovery, these incremental backups can be restored additionally to the last conventional full backup.
To configure Online Backup via MMC Service:
All future changes are simultaneously written to the original and the backup path.
The backup directory layout is created as:
For example: /mnt/backup/MMCSVC1/2024/04-17
The <casstructure> in the backup directory is equal to the CAS structure in the MMC Service area. If a recovery is needed, the structure directly can be restored to the original MMC Service area, or fscadmin (see --syncfrombackup) can be used.
Online Backup via Fabasoft Folio Kernel creates backups of every change in the MMC Service area to a configured backup path during runtime (on-the-fly), equal to the Online Backup via MMC Service. In difference to the backup via MMC Service, this backup is written by the specific Fabasoft Folio Kernel. Therefore, also Direct Access needs to be configured for this area.
The backups are organized on a daily basis.
In the event of a disaster recovery, these incremental backups can be restored additionally to the last conventional full backup.
To configure Online Backup via Kernel:
All future changes are simultaneously written to the original and the backup path.
The layout of the backup, and the restore procedure are equal to Online Backup via MMC Service.
This backup type differs to the other types as this type is not done “on-the-fly”, but need to be explicitely called, e.g. by a script in a scheduled task / cron job. The created backup is a on-time snapshot of all MMC Service area changes of the current day.
The advantage of externaly (“offliine”) triggering the backup is the independence to the speed of the backup volume. In all “on-the-fly” scenarios the speed of writing the backup directly affects the user experience, wheras with offline backup, only the backup process itself is affected by the backup volume speed.
In the event of a disaster recovery, the incremental backups can be restored additionally to the last conventional full backup.
To configure Incremental Offline Backup:
To run an offline backup, execute the following command on the server where you want to perform the backup:
fscadmin --action cleanup --service <mmcsvc-id> --synconly --synctobackup <yyyy-mm-dd> --offlinebackup -h <hostname> -p <port>
For example:
fscadmin --action cleanup --service 3 --synconly --synctobackup 2024-04-24 --offlinebackup -h localhost -p 18070
Run this command in the interval you want to update the backup. The offline backup is created incrementally for the specified date, therefore the run time is relatively short for each run.
The execution does not delete files from the backup, even if files disappear on the source area.
The backup directory layout is created as:
For example: /mnt/backup/MMCSVC1/2024/04-17
The <casstructure> in the backup directory is equal to the CAS structure in the MMC Service area. If a recovery is needed, the structure directly can be restored to the original MMC Service area, or fscadmin (see --syncfrombackup) can be used.
Older backups are not cleaned automatically and need to be processed separately.