Last update: 12 June 2018
In case of configuration deficiencies in Fabasoft Folio or the Fabasoft eGov-Suite, objects may be indexed without proper ACL information in the Mindbreeze index.
As no ACL information is available, a potential hit must be considered "searchable" and the final access check will be performed via the Fabasoft kernel. This will basically result in a slow search performance as many objects (those without ACL information) must be checked.
The storing of ACL information in the Mindbreeze index is designed to serve as performance optimization. Being able to reject possible hits based on the ACL info stored in the index and furthermore to avoid access-checking every possible hit via the Fabasoft kernel. If an ACL cannot be indexed, a default ACL is inserted into the Mindbreeze index, which grants every user the right to search for the object, although it might be discarded during the final access check.
In terms of search suggestions this may be problematic, because suggestions are solely checked against the ACL information in the Mindbreeze index. This may lead to search suggestions based on unauthorized objects, although these objects cannot be found due to the final access check in the Fabasoft kernel.
To deactivate Mindbreeze search suggestions in Mindbreeze version 2017 and higher, you can uncheck the related options in the client service configuration (Suggest Settings, Initial Suggest Settings).
To deactivate Mindbreeze search suggestions in versions prior to Mindbreeze 2017, please contact Fabasoft Support for a workaround.
For using the Mindbreeze search suggestions, please contact the Fabasoft project team for a proper configuration of Fabasoft Folio or the Fabasoft eGov-Suite.