How to change the number of web service threadsPermanent link for this heading

First published: 22 October 2018

Last update: 15 October 2024 (cf)

InformationPermanent link for this heading

The Fabasoft Folio Webservice handles incoming requests in a thread pool. This article describes how to change the number of threads in the thread pool in case of a necessity.

WindowsPermanent link for this heading

Set the Registry Key
and the Value „(Default)“ to the number of Kernel Threads.
The default value is 8.


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



After a restart/recycle of the Webservice your changes will be applied.


The HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive needs to be from the webservice user. You alternatively can deploy the setting via the upd files (see Roll out Fabasoft environment variables by UPD files)

LinuxPermanent link for this heading

The maximum number of threads is defined via the environment variable FSCVEXT_MAXTHREADS.

To create this environment variable, follow these steps:

mkdir /etc/fabasoft/settings/users/fscsrv/Software/Fabasoft/Environment/FSCVEXT_MAXTHREADS

echo -n "16" > /etc/fabasoft/settings/users/fscsrv/Software/Fabasoft/Environment/FSCVEXT_MAXTHREADS/registry.default

chown fscsrv.fsc /etc/fabasoft/settings/users/fscsrv/Software/Fabasoft/Environment/FSCVEXT_MAXTHREADS -R

This example creates a setting of 16 threads per Webservice.

The default value is 8.

After a restart/recycle of the Webservice your changes will be applied.

Check the current settingPermanent link for this heading

You can check the current configuration with the URL http://<webserver>/<vdir>/fscasp/content/bin/fscvext.dll?h

This lists the currently used FSCVEXT_MAXTHREADS parameter.

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