Fabasoft Folio 2009 Update and Upgrade Guide
Last update: 4 August 2017
Update Fabasoft Folio 2008 to Fabasoft Folio 2009
This guide describes the update of a Fabasoft Folio 2008 installation to Fabasoft Folio 2009.
Update Fabasoft Folio 2008 to Fabasoft Folio Enterprise 2009
The update of Fabasoft Folio 2008 without Fabasoft iArchive 2008 should work out of the box using the "Update existing Fabasoft services and products" functionality of the Fabasoft Folio setup using the new license file.
Update Fabasoft Folio 2008 and Fabasoft iArchive 2008 to Fabasoft Folio Compliance 2009
The update of Fabasoft Folio 2008 including Fabasoft iArchive 2008 needs some manual preparations.
- Execute the "Update existing Fabasoft services only" functionality of the Fabasoft Folio setup. Ensure that only the features "Fabasoft Components Server Management" and "Fabasoft Components Backend Services" are selected.
- Remove the software edition objects EditionFolio@1.1 and EditionArchive@1.1 from the database:
loader -delprod EditionFolio@1.1 -delprod EditionArchive@1.1
- Load the software edition object of EditionFolioCompliance@1.1 using Fabasoft Components Server Management or the Fabasoft Web Management Console.
loader -load Setup/EditionFolioCompliance/Package/product.coo
- Execute the "Update existing Fabasoft services and products" functionality of the Fabasoft Folio setup using the new license file.
Upgrade to Another Software Edition of Fabasoft Folio 2009
- Remove the old software edition object from the database:
- EditionFolioHome@1.1
loader -delprod EditionFolioHome@1.
loader -delprod EditionFolioTeam@1.1
- EditionFolioEnterprise@1.1
loader -delprod EditionFolioEnterprise@1.1
- EditionFolioCompliance@1.1
loader -delprod EditionFolioCompliance@1.1
- Load the software edition object of the new software edition into the domain using Fabasoft Components Server Management or the Fabasoft Web Management Console:
- EditionFolioTeam@1.1
loader -load Setup/EditionFolioTeam/Package/product.coo
- EditionFolioEnterprise@1.1
loader -load Setup/EditionFolioEnterprise/Package/product.coo
- EditionFolioCompliance@1.1
loader -load Setup/EditionFolioCompliance/Package/product.coo -load Setup/ComponentArchive/Package/product.coo
- Execute the "Update existing Fabasoft services and products" functionality of the Fabasoft Folio setup using the new license file.