Last update: 4 August 2017
When installed on different servers the log pools for web- and conversion-server may be separated by name.
In the app.telemetry web client requests from both the conversion service and the web server are filed as Webservice in the Application Tier filter.
This is due to the fact that the conversion service is basically a web server with extended functionality.
Warning: This solution is only applicable if the conversion service is running on a separate machine!
In addition the conversion service will be filed as a separate Application in the app.telemetry web client.
In the registry we can change the name with which the conversion server registers itself with the app.telemetry.
You can either change the SuiteName in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Fabasoft registry key or use this registry key file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"SuiteName"="Fabasoft eGov-Suite"
After the suite name has been changed, you must issue a iisreset on the conversion server. Now you can define a new log pool in the Fabasoft app.telemetry using your newly issued name.
You may delete the old conversion service registration from the services if you wish to.
when connected to an app.telemetry server