Client Information ToolPermanent link for this heading

Last update: 31 Mai 2023

This tool collects information about a client's installed software and user configuration.

DownloadPermanent link for this heading
(SHA-256: 7AAB250EED322CFCD8AF91A57640191A2CFC99BBB50FB870699B70CE5616B166)
Current Version 2.1

UsagePermanent link for this heading

  • Copy the file ClientInformationTool.exe onto the client from which the information should be collected
  • Execute ClientInformationTool.exe, with the user account whose information should be collected, by double clicking on the file

This new version of the Client Information Tool is a native Microsoft Windows application and has been code signed with a public certificate, for more information on code signing please see Explanation of Digital Code Signatures in Microsoft Windows.

ResultPermanent link for this heading

After finishing execution, the path to a file named ClientInformation (<date>).zip will be displayed in the output window, which is by default located in the current directory, please upload this file to the Fabasoft Support Desk or handle it as requested in the relevant ticket.

Tested environmentsPermanent link for this heading

  • Windows 8 (x64)
  • Windows 8.1 (x64)
  • Windows 10 (x64)
  • Windows 11 (x64)

Collected informationPermanent link for this heading

  • Operating system version, architecture and environment variables
  • Network configuration
  • Installed Microsoft hotfixes
  • User's name, windows domain and group memberships
  • Version, size and file hash of the installed version of Internet Explorer
  • Internet Explorer security zone configuration
  • Installed Internet Explorer Extensions
  • Version, size and file hash of the installed version of Mozilla Firefox (if any)
  • Version, architecture, size and file hash of the installed versions of Microsoft Office Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Installed Microsoft Office Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint Add-Ins
  • Application and system event logs (on Windows XP only for administrative users)
  • Overview of the configuration and installation details for currently installed Fabasoft Software
  • Version, size, file hash and configuration of the installed versions of Fabasoft Tool Manager, Fabasoft Folio Plugin, Microsoft Office Add-Ins and Fabasoft Folio Cloud Plugin
  • Logfiles generated by the Fabasoft Tool Manager and/or Fabasoft Folio Plugin
  • Version, size, file hash and configuration of the installed version of the Fabasoft Printer Ports

Legacy VersionPermanent link for this heading

The old script-based version of the Client Information Tool, can still be downloaded here, but is no longer actively supported and may not work in environments that have restrictions on executing scripts.

ReferencesPermanent link for this heading

Release NotesPermanent link for this heading

Changes 2.1

  • Add the command line argument "--include" that allows for manual inclusion of additional directories in the output archive.

Changes 2.0

  • Re-built from a script-based tool to a native Microsoft Windows command line application, because of tighter restrictions on scripting support in modern systems.

Changes 1.5

  • Use current working directory for temporary files, to support clients with temp folder protection

Changes 1.4

  • Add support for new Side-By-Side Plugin Installations.
  • Use SHA-256 for calculated hashes.

Changes 1.3

  • Improved listing of Filetype Associations
  • Add Support for new Fabasoft Folio Client
  • Listing of Group Policy Internet Explorer Zone Settings

Changes 1.2

  • Improved Registry Evaluation for Clients where normal Registry Evaluation has been disabled
  • Determine Default Browser

Changes 1.1

  • Evaluate Environment Variables

Changes 1.0

  • Support Clients where Registry Evaluation has been disabled

Changes 0.9

  • Evaluation of Installed Applications

Changes 0.8

  • Listing of Filetype Associations
  • General Code Improvements

Changes 0.7

  • Improved Zip File Handling
  • Localization Support
  • German Localization
  • Internet Explorer Extension Listing
  • Microsoft Office Add-In Listing

Changes 0.6

  • Initial Release