The Fabasoft Client Analyzer is a tool included and installed with the Fabasoft Folio Client. No additional download or installation is required.
It collects, similar to the Client Information Tool, data from the Fabasoft Folio Client installed on the user computer. Additionally, it checks the pre-requisites for the Folio Client on the computer, including registry keys, AD policies and permissions.
The tool also performs a test connection to a provided Fabasoft Folio/eGov-Suite domain url, or to Fabasoft Cloud by default, including the computer’s configured proxy server, TLS etc.
The tool is found in the Folio Client installation path, usually
C:\Program Files\Fabasoft\Folio ****\Client\x64\clientanalyzer.exe
(Folio **** represents the Folio version, like Folio 2024)
Example calls:
clientanalyzer.exe -domainhref:http://myfoliourl/fsc
Fabasoft Client Analyzer, Version
Copyright (c) Fabasoft R&D GmbH, A-4020 Linz, 1988-2023.
ClientAnalyzer finished with state OK.
Log file: C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Temp\2024-10-23\2024-10-23 10-48-20.log
Two report files are written after execution, located in the %Temp% user folder. Windows File Explorer is opened with the location of the files:
<timestamp>.log contains the full report.
<timestamp>.txt contains the full Fabasoft registry hive.
Supported Fabasoft Folio/eGov-Suite versions
The Fabasoft Client Analyzer was introduced with Fabasoft Folio/eGov-Suite 2023, and was also backported to the lastest Update Rollups of version 2021 and 2022.