If an XDOMEA package is exported asynchronously, this now also works without a defined “Filepath for XDOMEA Disposal” (FSCGOVXMLDE@1.1001:pathforexternalstorage). The package is then only stored on the desktop and not in the file system (Edition DEU)
Logging when opening XRechnungen on Linux has been deactivated (Edition DEU)
Internal builds
The error handling of the menu “Capture Copy” (EGOVBASE@15.1001:MenuAcceptObjectCopy) has been improved
When updating the PDF overview of Microsoft Word objects, the contents of fields are recalculated and displayed in the overview
Internal build
eGov16837, eGov16820
Activities with the status “Waiting for Submission” can be opened on the tab “Deadline” again
eGov16839, eGov16795
Object classes from the property “Object Classes for Creating” (COOATTREDIT@1.1:upcreateobjclasses) are taken into account during register
eGov16840, eGov16818
If annotations are deleted with a quick “drag” movement during the delete click, an error no longer occurs
eGov16838, eGov16803
In the following ACLs, the access right “Change Workflow” (COOWF@1.1:AccTypeChangeWorkFlow) has been removed in the line for the setting “Rights from child for workflow” (COOELAK@1.1001:objsecchangefromchild)
As a result, it is no longer possible to prescribe a file for which I have been granted rights via a prescribed subordinate object
An error in the EGOVBASE@15.1001:StandardNotificationDefinition when calculating the content for suspended processes has been corrected
An error during an XDOMEA-import of an empty file has been fixed and is working correctly again (Edition DEU)
The XSS vulnerability via the name of an object when creating a process can no longer be exploited
Internal builds