The Stamp tool for annotating is now also available on mobile devices
Logging when opening XRechnungen on Linux has been deactivated (Edition DEU)
Internal builds
When updating the PDF overview of Microsoft Word objects, the contents of fields are recalculated and displayed in the overview
eGov16839, eGov16795
Object classes from the property “Object Classes for Creating” (COOATTREDIT@1.1:upcreateobjclasses) are taken into account during register
An error in the EGOVBASE@15.1001:StandardNotificationDefinition when calculating the content for suspended processes has been corrected
An error during an XDOMEA-import of an empty file has been fixed and is working correctly again (Edition DEU)
The XSS vulnerability via the name of an object when creating a process can no longer be exploited
Internal builds
If a resolved Mail Merge is duplicated, the PDF format of the content (COOSYSTEM@1.1:content) is retained and the original content (COOELAK@1.1001:originalcontent) will be deleted
An XSS attack via the name of a redaction is no longer possible
Internal build
The verification of a signature via RTR has been revised and now uses a temporary file for the verification
If an object is marked as virus infected, it can no longer be finalized or definalized. The object must first be treated before further work can be carried out on it
eGov16573, eGov16389
When importing encrypted emails via the Outlook application, it could happen that the dialog could not be closed in the event of an error. The problem has been fixed
eGov16516, eGov16484
When the Fair Copy is generated, the error DEVEXT@15.1001:ERR_CBUFFENTRYNOTEXISTS is no longer displayed in the logs or in the tracer, as the content buffer is always empty at this point
The vulnerability CVE-2024-4367 in PDF.js can no longer be exploited
The Java library Saxon-he- has been removed from the software component FSCGOVXMLDE, as a newer version of this library is already in use there
Internal builds
Fixed an error when creating the Fair Copy if new addressees were added afterwards and the Fair Copy was then created again
The sorting of E-Mail Addresses, Address and Telephone Numbers in the Address Selection dialog is now possible