The display of the DocProperties of properties that originate from a Form (FSCUSERFORMS@1.1001:UserForm) of a Definition has been optimised. For better readability, the reference of the object class is displayed instead of the previously used COO-address of the object class
Note: This change to the references must be made in the documents that have already used the COO-address
The XSS vulnerability via the name of an object when creating a process can no longer be exploited
The search related to the action “Synchronize Teams” (COOELAK@1.1001:SyncAvailableTeams) has been optimized for an asynchronous search. Previously, an incomplete search result could occur for more than 10,000 teams
An XSS attack via the name of a redaction is no longer possible
Internal builds
With the action FOLIOEX@15.1001:SetSeqNumberHistory the parameter reamarke is now interpreted and written to the attribute COOELAK@1.1001:regremark attribute. Previously it had no function
The following properties can be read in low-code expressions:
The following properties can be accessed and edited in low-code expressions:
The new activity “Edit” (EGOVTEMPLATE@15.1001:ActDefDefinitionEdit) is available for editing Definitions. The activity can be prescribed via the menu. The activity consists of the following steps:
If the activity is completed via the Work Item “Complete Activity”, the new activity “Verify” (EGOVTEMPLATE@15.1001:ActDefDefinitionVerify) is automatically prescribed the the Process Initiator. The activity contains the note “Verify Definition (Inserted Activity)”
Note: The definition is marked as changed after it has been prescribed
The menu “Add to floating file” incorrectly affected the initialization of Work Documents when creating Floating Files. The problem has been fixed (Edition DEU)
eGov16603, eGov16521
In rare cases, the first page of a PDF could not be annotated, this problem has been fixed
The vulnerability CVE-2024-4367 in PDF.js can no longer be exploited
Previous behavior: When clicking on the download button in the viewer, the download was performed twice
New behavior: When clicking on the download button in the viewer, the download is only performed once as expected
Internal builds
If an object is marked as virus infected, it can no longer be finalized or definalized. The object must first be treated before further work can be carried out on it
eGov16566, eGov16544
An error when inheriting the properties “Change Access (Individual)” (COOELAK@1.1001:objsecchangeindividual) and “Read Access (Individual)” (COOELAK@1.1001:objsecreadindividual) has been fixed, so the inheritance works correctly again (Edition AUT)
When sending to the Governikus MultiMessenger, the sender previously preferred the XTA Address from the Person/Organisation-object (COOSYSTEM@1.1:objmaster) of the current user. If the Person object of the current user contains a different XTA-Address than the User object, this could lead to undesired behavior. Therefore, only the XTA-Address from the User object is used for the sender (Edition DEU)
eGov16516, eGov16484
When the Fair Copy is generated, the error DEVEXT@15.1001:ERR_CBUFFENTRYNOTEXISTS is no longer displayed in the logs or in the tracer, as the content buffer is always empty at this point
Copying text in the viewer using Ctrl+C is possible again
An error that occurred when capturing documents to a file with different groups has been fixed (Edition AUT)
Internal builds
Object information when signing
The Sign dialog now offers the option of displaying additional information via the button “Object information”. Clicking on the button opens a new window with the configured information of the object to be signed. If several objects are marked for signing, a selection dialog is displayed beforehand to select the object for which the additional information is to be displayed.
Whether the button should be displayed is defined via the rule “Show branch for object information in signing dialog” (EGOVBASE@15.1001:CtxShowObjectInformationBranch). The form itself can be configured with the trigger EGOVBASE@15.1001:OpenObjectInformationInPluginApp
If the type “Procedure” is selected when creating objects of object class “Created on Definition”, the navigation elements react in accordance with the following page in the dialog
Group-related work: Take over
For activities that have been assigned to a specific group, members of the group can adopt the activity in the worklist via the Context Menu and via the Task Pane Menu “Take over” (EGOVBASE@15.1001:MenuTakeOverActivity) to take over the activity and thus assign it themselves. The activity then disappears from the worklist of the other members. The menu is visible as long as the activity has not yet been started, after which it is only available to the user who has started the activity
When importing encrypted emails via the Outlook application, it could happen that the dialog could not be closed in the event of an error. The problem has been fixed
Fixing annotations for rotated PDFs now works correctly again
Fixed an error when creating the Fair Copy if new addressees were added afterwards and the Fair Copy was then created again