Fabasoft eGov-Suite 2023 Update Rollup 3 (23.0.3)Permanent link for this heading

Build (September 3, 2024)Permanent link for this heading


An error during an XDOMEA-import of an empty file has been fixed and is working correctly again (Edition DEU)


The XSS vulnerability via the name of an object when creating a process can no longer be exploited

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Internal builds

Build (August 16, 2024)Permanent link for this heading


The new version of PrimeSign supports parameterizable stamps for the interactive signature and for the official signature. This means that the calling application can transmit values to PrimeSign, which can then be visualized in the attached signature block

To configure these values, it is now possible to define a Dictionary Mapping. This mapping is evaluated on the basis of the document to be signed and the values are transferred to PrimeSign

These mappings can be stored in the following places in the Fabasoft eGov-Suite. The order listed here also represents the priority of the evaluation. In general, the dictionaries are merged. In the case of duplicate key entries, the value of the object with the higher priority takes precedence

Priority of the evaluation:

  • Group (Responsible OE (COOELAK@1.1001:fileresporg) or Group (COOSYSTEM@1.1:objowngroup))
  • Subfile-Type
  • Subfile Collection Type
  • Subject Area (including higher-level Subject Areas)
  • Tenamt
  • Primary Domain

The following information is available for creating the Fabasoft Expression in the Value property:

  • obj - The document that is transferred to PrimeSign for signature. It does not matter whether it is an interactive signature or an official signature
  • context - The object on which the Dictionary Mapping was found. Example: If this mapping is stored for a Subject Area, then exactly this Subject Area is available in this variable
  • params - The Fabasoft solution can provide additional parameters. This variable is NULL by default

With the object CCAPRECONFIG@15.1001:DictionaryStampSample an example is supplied

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Internal build

Build (July 30, 2024)Permanent link for this heading


An XSS attack via the name of a redaction is no longer possible

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Internal build

Build (June 25, 2024)Permanent link for this heading


In Javascript, the DOMPurify provided by Folio is no longer deleted. This led to errors when using the CKEditor

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Internal builds

Build (June 6, 2024)Permanent link for this heading


If an object is marked as virus infected, it can no longer be finalized or definalized. The object must first be treated before further work can be carried out on it

eGov16573, eGov16389

When importing encrypted emails via the Outlook application, it could happen that the dialog could not be closed in the event of an error. The problem has been fixed

eGov16516, eGov16484

When the Fair Copy is generated, the error DEVEXT@15.1001:ERR_CBUFFENTRYNOTEXISTS is no longer displayed in the logs or in the tracer, as the content buffer is always empty at this point


The vulnerability CVE-2024-4367 in PDF.js can no longer be exploited

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Internal builds

Build (April 26, 2024)Permanent link for this heading

eGov16368, eGov16344

The size of the Label Template “Defaultlabel with File Reference (54mm x 30mm)” (FSCLABELPRINT@15.1001:DefaultLabelFileReference54X30) has been corrected (Edition CCA, Edition DEU)

eGov16345, eGov16265

Filtering prevents document templates marked as infected from being used in Business Objects

eGov16346, eGov16266

The menu “Open Original” (EGOVBASE@15.1001:MenuOpenOriginalContent) is not available for objects identified with a virus


Fixing annotations for rotated PDFs now works correctly again

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Internal builds

Build (March 21, 2024)Permanent link for this heading


The supporting search information in the task pane of the Mindbreeze search has been reduced by some items that are not in use

eGov16247, eGov16126

The check for object classes in the property “Required Businessdata” (ELAKGOV@1.1001:requiredbusinessdata) of Business Data has been adapted so that configurations are also possible with superordinate object classes

eGov16336, eGov16177

It is now possible to delete annotations with touch gestures (e.g. when using a stylus)

eGov16337, eGov15855

An incorrect error message was removed when deleting annotations

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Internal build

Build (March 15, 2024)Permanent link for this heading


If objects of different object classes (Subject Area, File , Subfile Collection or Document) are marked and re-assigned together, an error is displayed because a joint re-assignment is not possible

eGov16312, eGov16243

The Bulk Job “BulkMigrateInboxRootWidget” searches for User Environments in which the context “Inboxes” (FSCVGOV@1.1001:CtxHomeInboxRoot) in the property “Available Elements on Home” (FSCUIEXT@15.1001:defaultwidgets) is set and sets the context “Inbox” (FSCVGOV@1.1001:CtxHomeInboxObject) in the property “Available Elements on Home” (FSCTEAMROOM@1.1001:usrenvhomewidgetsettings) to “Visible” no


The software version of the AddOn “Fabasoft Done! on eGOV” has been rolled back to this version


When calling web services via the Fabasoft Protocol Manager (FSCPROTOCOLMANAGER@15.1001) and using Basic Authentication, the flag “Add information on basic authentication as \”Authorization\” to the HTTP header” (FSCPROTOCOLMANAGER@15.1001:basicauthorizationasheadervariable) was added. Accordingly, if login information Is to be added to the HTTP header during the web service call in the variable “Authorization”, this flag must now be set explicitly. Previously, the Authorization header was not set at all and some web services (e.g. PVP Stammportal in Austria) could no longer perform basic authentication

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Internal builds

Build (February 15, 2024)Permanent link for this heading


To simplify error analysis with app.telemetry, several %%LOG entries have been added in the course of “Create Fair Copies” and Dispatch


Recognition of signed emails has been improved. If the rule with the trigger EGOVBASE@15.1001:CtxProhibitImportOfEncryptedEmails is set to true in a system, the recognition now works better and it is therefore more likely that a signed e-mail will be prevented from being imported. In addition, the display of the error message has been improved in some import situations


The old shortcut definitions with & have been removed for the translations of the following languages:


Build (January 4, 2024)Permanent link for this heading
