Fabasoft eGov-Suite 2023 June Release (23.6.0)Permanent link for this heading

Build (December 13, 2023)Permanent link for this heading


In addition to adapting the creation of the “Personal Transactionbuffer” (DEVEXT@15.1001:transactionbuffer) in the User Environment, its use has now also been adapted so that only one finalization can take place at a time. When starting a finalization, the system now waits for the “Personal Transactionbuffer” to be released for use by the current finalization. The timeout can be configured on the Current Domain/Tenant with the property “Timeout to lock the transaction buffer property on the user environment” (DEVEXT@15.1001:transactionbufferlocktimeout). If no value is set 30000 (30 seconds) will be used

This extension allows parallel accesses that use the “Personal Transactionbuffer” to be processed better

Technical information:

  • To determine the current “Personal Transactionbuffer”, the action DEVEXT@15.1001:GetTransactionBuffer must be used. This action must be called on the affected user
  • To determine and lock the current “Personal Transactionbuffer”, the action DEVEXT@15.1001:GetAndLockTransactionBuffer must be used. This action must be called on the affected user
  • To apply the current “Personal Transactionbuffer” for a transaction, the action DEVEXT@15.1001:TakeoverTransactionBufferForTransaction must be used. This action must be called on the affected user

Build link for this heading

Internal build

Build (November 29, 2023)Permanent link for this heading

No changes

Build (November 23, 2023)Permanent link for this heading

No changes

Build (November 22, 2023)Permanent link for this heading

No changes

Build (November 8, 2023)Permanent link for this heading


The setting of the property “Personal Transactionbuffer” (DEVEXT@15.1001:transactionbuffer) in the User Environment has been adjusted. The attribute has been set “Lockable” and is now locked using the action DEVEXT@15.1001:LockTransactionBufferAttribute and a timeout. The timeout can be configured on the Current Domain/Tenant with the property “Timeout to lock the transaction buffer property on the user environment” (DEVEXT@15.1001:transactionbufferlocktimeout). If no value is set 30000 (30 seconds) will be used

This extension improves the creation of “Personal Transactionbuffer objects and the parallel access. The object is not mutually locked

Build link for this heading

Internal build

Build (September 1, 2023)Permanent link for this heading


When creating Subfile Documents, a rights error could occur if there was no read access to the parent File. The problem has been fixed

Build (August 25, 2023)Permanent link for this heading


In the query against the ZMR, the amendment to the Meldegesetz has been implemented and thus the following genders are supported in the query:

  • Diverse
  • Inter
  • Open
  • Not specified

If the new ZMR service is queried without this extension, the new genders will be ignored and the gender will not be filled in Fabasoft eGov-Suite (Edition AUT)


The determination of Definitions has been improved. For example, if there is  no read access on the Subject Area of a Procedure, the Definition can still be determined correctly (Edition CCA)


Fixed an error when importing eml files (Edition CCA, Edition DEU)

Build link for this heading

Internal build

Build (August 16, 2023)Permanent link for this heading


A bug in the notification email has been solved. As a result, the email is displayed correctly again


The maximum file size of 40 MB specified by Governikus for sending to Mutli Messenger is checked during sending. An error is displayed if the file size is exceeded (Edition DEU)

Build link for this heading

Internal builds

Build (June 26, 2023)Permanent link for this heading
