Fabasoft eGov-Suite 2024 (24.0.0)Permanent link for this heading

Build (July 26, 2024)Permanent link for this heading


An XSS attack via the name of a redaction is no longer possible

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Internal build

Build (June 11, 2024)Permanent link for this heading

eGov16573, eGov16389

When importing encrypted emails via the Outlook application, it could happen that the dialog could not be closed in the event of an error. The problem has been fixed


The vulnerability CVE-2024-4367 in PDF.js can no longer be exploited

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Internal build

Build (May 24, 2024)Permanent link for this heading

eGov16368, eGov16344

The size of the Label Template “Defaultlabel with File Reference (54mm x 30mm)” (FSCLABELPRINT@15.1001:DefaultLabelFileReference54X30) has been corrected (Edition CCA, Edition DEU)

eGov16403, eGov16382

An error when opening documents has been fixed. This occurred when objects in the hierarchy of higher-level objects did not have read rights

eGov16345, eGov16265

Filtering prevents document templates marked as infected from being used in Business Objects

eGov16346, eGov16266

The menu “Open Original” (EGOVBASE@15.1001:MenuOpenOriginalContent) is not available for objects identified with a virus

eGov16367, eGov16113

An error when opening documents has been fixed. This occurred when objects in the hierarchy of higher-level objects did not have read rights

eGov16516, eGov16484

When the Fair Copy is generated, the error DEVEXT@15.1001:ERR_CBUFFENTRYNOTEXISTS is no longer displayed in the logs or in the tracer, as the content buffer is always empty at this point


Fixing annotations for rotated PDFs now works correctly again

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Internal builds

Build (March 21, 2024)Permanent link for this heading


The supporting search information in the task pane of the Mindbreeze search has been reduced by some items that are not in use

eGov16335, eGov16311

An error occurred when opening an activity in the tab “Deadline” that prevented it from being opened, has been solved

eGov16312, eGov16243

The Bulk Job “BulkMigrateInboxRootWidget” searches for User Environments in which the context “Inboxes” (FSCVGOV@1.1001:CtxHomeInboxRoot) in the property “Available Elements on Home” (FSCUIEXT@15.1001:defaultwidgets) is set and sets the context “Inbox” (FSCVGOV@1.1001:CtxHomeInboxObject) in the property “Available Elements on Home” (FSCTEAMROOM@1.1001:usrenvhomewidgetsettings) to “Visible” no

eGov16336, eGov16177

It is now possible to delete annotations with touch gestures (e.g. when using a stylus)

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Internal build

Build (March 14, 2024)Permanent link for this heading


If objects of different object classes (Subject Area, File , Subfile Collection or Document) are marked and re-assigned together, an error is displayed because a joint re-assignment is not possible


The check for object classes in the property “Required Businessdata” (ELAKGOV@1.1001:requiredbusinessdata) of Business Data has been adapted so that configurations are also possible with superordinate object classes


Due to an error, the associated addressee object could not be initialized during the CSV import of addressees. This error has been fixed


When calling web services via the Fabasoft Protocol Manager (FSCPROTOCOLMANAGER@15.1001) and using Basic Authentication, the flag “Add information on basic authentication as \”Authorization\” to the HTTP header” (FSCPROTOCOLMANAGER@15.1001:basicauthorizationasheadervariable) was added. Accordingly, if login information Is to be added to the HTTP header during the web service call in the variable “Authorization”, this flag must now be set explicitly. Previously, the Authorization header was not set at all and some web services (e.g. PVP Stammportal in Austria) could no longer perform basic authentication


Due to an error, the filter was not executed in the context of the search for Business Data for Business Data of the type “Object Type” with a stored property “Filter for Buiness Data”. This error has been corrected and the filter is taken into account

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Internal builds

Build (February 15, 2024)Permanent link for this heading

No changes

Build (February 5, 2024)Permanent link for this heading


The “Decision Template with Text Modules Component Object (Microsoft Word)” “RSa Return Receipt” (ATPRECONFIG@1.1001:RSaReturnReceipt) and “RSb Return Receipt” (ATPRECONFIG@1.1001:RSbReturnReceipt) have been updated. In the templates the new field “Address Rsa (ATPRECONFIG@1.1001:Anschrift_Rsa) as well as the new virtual properties “Zip Code and Department City” (ATPRECONFIG@1.1001:DepartmentZipCode_DepartmentCity) and “Street, Zip Code and Department City” (ATPRECONFIG@1.1001:DepartmentStreet_DepartmentZipCode_DepartmentCity) are used

Furthermore, the new object class “Documentgeneration” (COOELAK@1.1001:DocumentGeneration) is available. An instance of this object can be stored in Groups and Domains. In the object class, the property “Virtual Properties” (COOELAK@1.1001:documentgenerationdocproperties) can be ued to define new “Virtual Properties”, which subsequently are available in Microsoft Word documents

eGov16138, eGov16056

When importing a file via GMM, the check to determine whether it is a normal XML file or an X-Rechnung is done much earlier than before, as this has led to unexpected behaviors


In the properties “Disabled Notifications” (FSCFOLIO@1.1001:usrevtignoredobjects) and “Receive Notifications about” (FSCFOLIO@1.1001:usrevtnotificationobjects) selected Content object classes can be used


To simplify error analysis with app.telemetry, several %%LOG entries have been added in the course of “Create Fair Copies” and Dispatch


Recognition of signed emails has been improved. If the rule with the trigger EGOVBASE@15.1001:CtxProhibitImportOfEncryptedEmails is set to true in a system, the recognition now works better and it is therefore more likely that a signed e-mail will be prevented from being imported. In addition, the display of the error message has been improved in some import situations


The old shortcut definitions with & have been removed for the translations of the following languages:


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Internal builds

Build (January 5, 2024)Permanent link for this heading
