Trace Object InfoPermanent link for this heading

Last update: 2 June 2021

This script traces the values of all properties of one or multiple objects.

DownloadPermanent link for this heading
(SHA-256: 024C7C6F3A43C83F6C01E1DA387DC0D2B5D39E4ADAC3A9A56769543B26CC1DFC)
Current Version 1.1

UsagePermanent link for this heading

  • Copy the file TraceObjectInfo.txt onto a server that has the Fabasoft Folio Kernel installed.
  • Replace the text "<COO-Address of object>", inside the file TraceObjectInfo.txt , with the COO address of the object, or a list of objects, that you want to output.
  • Execute the following command, in the context of an administrator or service user, from inside the directory where you copied the script to:
    fsceval -file TraceObjectInfo.txt -tracetoconsole 2> objectinfo.tro


Please ensure that you execute this command using the normal shell, or CMD.exe on Windows, because some alternative shells like PowerShell modify the trace output in significant ways!

ResultPermanent link for this heading

After finishing execution, a file named objectinfo.tro should exist in the current directory, this file will contain trace output that includes all values of the specified objects.

ExamplesPermanent link for this heading

Tracing the values of FSCCONV@1.1001:ExternalConversionConfiguration

// Parameters

Tracing the values of the current user and FSCCONV@1.1001:ExternalConversionConfiguration

// Parameters
@objects=[coouser, COO.1.1001.1.64008];

ReferencesPermanent link for this heading

Release NotesPermanent link for this heading

Changes 1.1

  • Add the option to only trace the current version

Changes 1.0

  • Initial Release