Configuration possibilities in VAPP ConfigurationPermanent link for this heading

Last update: 4 August 2017


You can define what authentication mechanism should be used for vAPPs; Default: „Default“

LDAP Data Source:

Here you can specify an object of the class service data source in which you define LDAP specific properties.

Default Dispatcher:

Defines which application dispatcher should be used by default (Web- or XML dispatcher).

Browserspecific Dispatchers:

For each kind of web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox) you can define which application dispatcher should be used.

CS Cookie:

This property is used to define a content switch cookie like the following:



For example: FscCookie+360=USERADDRESS Everything behind the „=„ character and is different to the string „USERADDRESS“ would be interpreted as WEBSERVICE.

User Agent Pattern:

Used to restrict access to certain kinds of clients (e.g. only web client or only windows client).

Request Size Limit (Bytes):

You can specify the maximum size of an http request that can be sent from a client to the web application before the user receives an error message. Default: 16Mb

Use Native WebDAV:

Defines whether native WebDAV should be used or not. If native WebDAV is used, no transaction context parameter in URLs is generated.

Default for Rows per List:

Defines how many rows should be displayed in an object list by default.

Default for Rows to Display Control:

Defines if the navigation control is displayed or not. Is the number of lines per row greater than the specified value, the navigation element is being displayed.

Default Import Limit (Bytes):

Defines the maximum size of imported contents.

Maximum Number of Quick Search Results:

Defines the maximum number of results for a quick search which are displayed.

Prefer Database Quick Search:

Defines if a quick search should be done in the database by default or using Mindbreeze Enterprise Search.

Maximum Number of Children Displayed Inside a Treenode:

If a tree node contains many compound objects, all these nodes have to be displayed when opening the tree. As this can lead to performance issues under several conditions, you can specify how many child items should be displayed by default. (Default value: 100).

Maximum Number of Objects from ‘LocalObjectsGet’:

The action LocalObjectsGet retrieves object which were recently used and are stored in a local cache. Here you can specify the maximum amount of returned objects.

Maximum Number of Selection Entries:

Defines how many entries in an object list can be selected at once. (Default: 200).

Component for Help:

Defines which software component contains the user help. (Default: HelpWebGeneral).


Defines whether the menu- and/or buttonbar should be displayed.

Disable Font Size Alteration:

Here you can disable the possibility of changing the font size in a web browser environment.

Disable Portal Event Visualization:

Defines whether the exclamation mark indicating a new event should be displayed or not.

Disable Portal Options:

Defines whether the options-menu should be displayed or not.

Show Event Popup:

Defines whether a popup should be displayed when a new event is received.

Text Insertion vApps:

This compound property is used to define the behavior of vApps for inserting text building blocks.

  • Plain Text: Used to define if multiple selections of building blocks are possible (refer to the desired „text insertion“-vApp here)
  • Formatted Text: see „Plain Text“
  • Plain Text (updateable): see „Plain Text“
  • Formatted Text: see „Plain Text“

Mail Import Configuration:

Defines configuration possibilities for mail import via the mail import buttons for Mozilla Thunderbird.

Use Page-Transitions:

Defines whether page transitions should be used in the Fabasoft web client or not. (requires Windows XP SP2 clients).


See About Information Cards and Digital Identity for details on Cardspace

Mail Settings:

  • Use ‘Simple Mapi’ to send as pointer: You can define whether Simple Mapi is used for the feature of sending pointers via e-mail.

Maximum Number of Roles in Quick Change:

Specifies the maximum number of roles which are offered for the „quick“ role change.

Maximum Number of Objects to add to „Local Objects“:

See „Maximum Number of Objects from „LocalObjectsGet“ for details. Defines the maximum number of objects which are added to the cache.

Search Form Mode:

Defines whether a „query based object list“ (as used in search folders) should be refreshed right after the list is displayed or after the next refresh.

Delay to show Busy Symbol:

Define how many seconds should be waited until the „Busy Symbol“ is displayed to the user.

Entry Styles

  • Must be defined
  • Label display effect: Defines how the names of properties should look in „must-be-defined“ properties
  • Data display effect: Defines how the data of „must-be-defined“ properties should be formatted

Accelerator Configuration:

Here you can reference a configuration object for accelerators.

Component for Display Columns:

Defines a software component used to store objects of the class „Column Settings (Component Object)“.

Disable inplace edit in list cells:

Defines whether list cells should be editable via pressing F2.

Synchronize only first layer:

Used to specify the behavior of synchronized folders (FSCVMOBILE:SynchronizedFoler).

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